William Clay

William Clay (Billy) McGehee married Ella (Ellen) Louise and had:

  • Eileen Susan (died as infant)
  • Stephen Clay
  • Mark William
  • Russell Andrew
  • Colleen Louise

William Clay McGehee, School photo

William Clay McGehee, Pacific, 1945

William Clay McGehee, Commander, USN

Ella Louise Bloom McGehee - about 1938

William, Mark, Stephen, Russell, Ellen, Colleen - 1963

Russell Andrew (1), Mark William (3), Stephen Clay McGehee (5)

Stephen Clay McGehee - 1954

Mark, Russell, Stephen - 1958

W. Oldemar Blum, part of Ella L. McGehee’s family line. Photo was taken in a Russian concentration camp.


William Clay McGehee served as an officer on the USS Cumberland Sound, AV-17, during World War II. His photos and papers from that experience can be seen on the USS Cumberland Sound web site.